construction foreman with notes at construction site with sun in background

The City of Brantford released the December 2018 Summary Report on Construction Activity. The report shows a construction value of $4.695 million for permits issued in the month of December.

The construction value attained in the month of December is below the values attained in December 2017, as well as above the past five year average for the construction value reached in the month of December.

It should be noted that the high construction value in December 2016 was the result of a large value permit being issued to Wilfrid Laurier I YMCA for the construction of the new YMCA health club, which had a construction value of $58.900 million. This large value permit created a peak in the December 2016 construction value and helped to generate a high 5 year average for the month of December.

The construction value attained in December 2018 is below the construction value attained in December 2017; while the number of permits issued has also decreased in comparison to last year's figures.   In   comparison with December 2017 construction values, an increase was seen in the Multiple Residential (New), and Institutional & Government Sectors, while a decrease was seen across all other Sectors of construction.

There largest increase occurred in the Multiple Residential (New) Sector of construction. In December 2018, one building permit was issued in this Sector for the construction of a new street townhouse block building creating six new dwelling units.   This building permit had a construction value of $1.265 million.   In December 2017 there were no building permits issued in this sector of construction.

The largest decrease occurred in the Single Detached Dwellings (New) Sector of construction.   In December 2018 a total of four building permits were issued for new single detached dwellings, with a total construction value of $1.313 million, compared with December 2017, when there were twenty-one building permits issued in this Sector of construction having a construction value of $7.174 million.

A large decrease was also seen in the Industrial Sector of construction.   In December 2018, four building permits were issued for construction within this Sector, with a total construction value of $1.390 million, compared with December 2017, when there were four building permits issued in this Sector of construction with a total construction value of $6.507 million. In December 2017, a large value building permit was issued to a numbered company for the construction of a recycling facility located at 71 Middleton Street, which had a construction value of $6.295 million.

Other noteworthy building permits issued in December include a permit to complete alterations in a warehouse located at 99 Savannah Drive, which had a construction value of $0.940 million, and a permit to complete alterations to a warehouse located at 225 Henry Street, which had a construction value of $0.400 million.

The year-end construction value of $173.949 million is below last year's total of $202.748 million, however for the year, a total of 1052 building permits have been issued, which is an increase to the 977 permits issued in 2017 over the same time period.

The record-setting construction values attained in 2017 was difficult to replicate, however the construction value of permits issued in 2018 provided the City's fourth highest total ever.  

Building reports are also available for viewing on the City of Brantford website. If there are any questions with regard to a specific building permit, the analysis provided, or construction trends within the City of Brantford, please feel free to contact the Chief Building Official.


  • A total of 48 building permits were issued in December, having a total construction value of $4.695 million.
  • The largest permit in tem1s of construction value was issued to Empire Communities, for the construction of a six unit street townhouse block, located 120-130 Munro Circle, which had a construction value of $1.265 million.
  • A total of four building permits were issued for new single detached dwellings, which had a total construction value of $1.313 million.
  • A total of four building permits were issued for construction within the Industrial Sector, having a total construction value of $1.390 million.

The full report will be available on the City of Brantford's website.


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