2019 Hermes Creative Awards

The City of Brantford’s new Economic Development website was honoured with the prestigious 2019 Hermes Creative Award for design and development.  With many enhancements and new features, the site delivers an improved user experience and provides access to greater depths of data. 

We took a new approach to our primary online marketing vehicle.  The site is designed to visually communicate the story of Brantford and why it is an ideal place to live, work, and invest.  Through it we demonstrate the character, beauty, and advantage of Brantford.  Completely rewritten, every page fuses the textual and visual elements in a compelling narrative. 

By redeveloping the website in this manner, we realize additional benefits.  Pages are designed to be responsive and appear properly on small devices such as smart phones and on larger screens such as desktops.  Content is more informative, relevant, and easier to read.  The site is also more accessible and meets current and next level provincial standards.  Finally, the site incorporates language tools including professionally translated sector profiles and community facts documents, as well as on-the-fly translation from Google for all page text.  Overall, these enhancements improve content for the visitor, simplify the user experience, leverage visual and textual elements to reduce language barriers, increase interactivity to understand investment opportunities, and contribute to the long term sustainability of the website.

The new website was created alongside the City’s website and the Wayne Gretzky Sport Centre, both of which also received a Hermes Creative Award for their redesign.  These websites were developed in partnership with award winning Waterloo based eSolutions Group, a division of GHD Digital, credited with building over 150 municipal websites and recognized with more than 75 marketing and technology international awards.

Platinum Award (score of 90-100 out of 100):
Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre – waynegretzkysportscentre.ca

Gold Award (score of 80-89 out of 100):
City of Brantford corporate site – brantford.ca
Advantage Brantford – advantagebrantford.ca