What is it? EmployerOne is a comprehensive, community-wide annual survey – done every January – about the workforce and human resource needs of local employers.
What is the survey’s purpose? To gather reliable information on the workforce needs of employers and identify trends in the local labour market.
Don’t you already survey us enough? Employers have told us they’re tired of different organizations asking them the same questions in multiple surveys. EmployerOne takes place once a year, reducing “survey overload.” You may receive the survey from more than one organization, but you only have to fill it out once.
Who is doing it? EmployerOne is a collaborative survey, led by the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie, with support from two dozen partners, who will share the results. Partners come from Economic, Workforce, Business and Education development groups in Brantford, Brant, Haldimand & Norfolk.
Why should I fill it out? Your participation provides valuable information that can help you:
- Conduct Human Resources planning
- Identify current and future skills gaps in your workforce
- Communicate your workforce needs to the community
- Identify changes year over year in your business
What about my confidentiality? EmployerOne respects the confidentiality of employers. Employers are not named when the survey’s results are compiled.
How long does the survey take to do? The time varies depending on your business size, from 15 minutes for small organizations to one hour for large ones. Employers can save the survey and come back and finish it at a later time.
How do I find out more information?
- Phone the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie: 519-756-1116
- Email the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie: admin@workforceplanningboard.org
- Visit the the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie website: www.workforceplanningboard.org