The City of Brantford released the February 2018 Summary Report on Construction Activity. The report shows a construction value of $4.277 million for permits issued in the month of February, which is above the values attained in three of the past four years.

The construction value attained in February 2018 is above the construction value attained in February 2017, while the number of permits issued has also increased in comparison to last year's figures. In comparison with February 2017 construction values, increases were seen in the Multiple Residential (New), Residential (Accessory, Alterations, Additions), Industrial and Single Detached Dwellings (New) Sectors, while a decrease was seen in the Commercial and Institutional & Government Sectors of construction.

The largest increase occurred in the Residential (Accessory, Alterations, Additions) Sector of construction. In February 2018, twenty-nine building permits were issued for construction within this Sector, with a total construction value of $1.734 million, compared with February 2017, when there were eighteen building permits issued in this Sector of construction having a construction value of $0.316 million.

An increase also occurred in the Multiple Residential (New) Sector of construction. In February 2018, a building permit was issued to NHDG (Blackburn) Inc., for the construction of a new 8 unit block townhouse, located at 77 Diana Avenue, which had a construction value of $1.100 million. In February 2017, there were no building permits issued in this Sector of construction.

Other noteworthy building permits issued in February include a permit to complete alterations to a warehouse building located at 10 Abbott Court, which had a construction value of $0.494 million, and a permit to complete alterations within a commercial building located at 595 West Street, which had a construction value of$0.118 million.

The largest decrease occurred in the Commercial Sector of construction. In February 2018, there were twelve building permits issued in this Sector, having a construction value of $0.330 million, compared with February 2017, when there were twelve building permits issued having a total construction value of $2.289 million.

The year-to-date construction value of $20.869 million is above last year's total of $12.938 million largely as a result in the increase in the value of permits issued for new Single Detached Dwellings. For the year, a total of 135 building permits have been issued, which is an increase from the 87 permits issued in 2017 over the same time period.

The start of the 2018 construction year has continued to build off of the strong numbers attained in 2017. The construction value of permits issued have provided encouraging figures, and staff remains optimistic that the construction industry continues to provide high levels of activity throughout 2018.


  • A total of 52 building permits were issued in February, having a total construction value of $4.277 million.
  • The largest permit in terms of construction value was issued for completion of balcony repairs to an apartment building located at 321 Fairview Drive, which had a construction value of $1.1 million.
  • One building permit was issued for a new single detached dwelling, which had a construction value of $0.378 million.
  • A total of seven building permits were issued for construction within the Industrial Sector, having a total construction value of $0.724 million.
More details and past reports can be found on the City's website.