film camera

The City of Brantford Economic Development and Tourism Department is pleased to welcome the cast and crew from Songbird to film scenes for an upcoming episode. They will be filming exterior scenes involving picture vehicles on Market Street South at Veterans Memorial Parkway.

Anticipated Impacts

The film crew will be on site overnight from June 20 to 21, 2022.  The crew’s base camp will also be located at Earl Haig, Civic Centre, and on private property at 100 Market St South.

  • Road Closure: Market Street South from Erie Avenue to Eagle Avenue (including the westbound ramp to the Veterans Memorial Parkway) as well as access to Market Street South from the Veterans Memorial Parkway (exiting to Ontario Street, Eagle Avenue, and Market Street South) from 7:00 pm June 20 to 6:00 am June 21. Residents living on Market Street South northwest of Eagle Avenue will have vehicle access to their homes during this closure.
  • Noise Exemption: While minimal residential disruption is expected, a noise exemption permit has been issued for filming activities at this location between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

About the Production

Songbird is the second season of a television series based on a late 80's and early 90's horror movie series called Child’s Play.


For questions or concerns, please contact Economic Development and Tourism staff at or 519-759-4150.

Film and COVID-19

Throughout the pandemic, commercial film and television production, including all supporting activities such as hair, makeup and wardrobe, is allowed if productions meet the restrictions outlined in the “Film and Television Industry Health and Safety during COVID-19” document issued by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. Further details about permitted Media Industries activities are available on the Province of Ontario website. The production will also comply with all health and safety protocols as directed by the Province of Ontario detailed in S63 of O. Reg. 82/20, the City of Brantford and the Brant County Health Unit.