We Look Forward to Being Part of Your Success
Contact Us Tel: 519-759-4150 Toll Free: 1-800-265-6299
Welcome to Brantford, Ontario, a progressive community located in Canada's economic heartland whose inventive legacy supports a diversified local economy poised for growth and prosperity.
Brantford is widely recognized as a place with a strong sense of community that takes great pride in building long-standing, successful relationships with our valued business and community partners.
Brantford is home to an increasingly wide range of businesses. This diversification reflects the health of our local economy. Like every community, our economy is made up of key sectors that showcase its particular strengths and character.
Film, Television, and Digital Media
Reliable intel is the foundation of sound business decisions. That's why we sift through the data to provide you with information and tools to make better choices for your company.
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2016, 2020 to 2024 Site Selection MagazineWe Look Forward to Being Part of Your Success
Contact Us Tel: 519-759-4150 Toll Free: 1-800-265-6299