Brantford is widely recognized for its remediation and redevelopment of brownfield sites.
Brownfield sites
Brownfield sites are commercial or industrial properties that are underused, vacant or abandoned, and contain (or are perceived to contain) industrial wastes or environmental contaminants. Through the adoption of By-law 68-2006, Brantford defines a brownfield site as “a lot that as a result of past uses, does not comply with the applicable provincial environmental standards for its existing or proposed uses."
Remediation may involve removing, containing, or monitoring contamination on a property. The City’s objective is for brownfields to become productive sites again that can contribute economically and socially to our community.
Economic potential
Brownfield remediation can be a feasible way to revitalize and spur economic development in neighbourhoods. Remediation can have a number of public benefits as well as economic and environmental gains.
Remediated brownfield sites
The following high profile sites have recently been remediated in Brantford:
- 186 Pearl Street (former Bay State Abrasives);
- Greenwich-Mohawk (former Massey-Ferguson, Cockshutt Plow, and Sternsons companies); and,
- Sydenham-Pearl (former Domtar and Crown Electric companies).
Speak to a member of our team about development opportunities on remediated brownfield sites in Brantford.
Virtual brownfield discovery tour
Learn more and take a virtual tour of the City's brownfield sites.
The tour showcases eight brownfield projects in various stages of remediation or redevelopment including:
- Edward Gould Park, 186 Pearl Street;
- Greenwich Mohawk Site, 347 Greenwich Street, and 22 and 66 Mohawk Street;
- Sydenham-Pearl Site, 17 and 22 Sydenham Street;
- King and Benton, 85 Morrell Street;
- King and Benton, 168 Colborne Street West;
- H. Rotberg, 11 and 115 Sherwood Street;
- Lanewood Development Corporation, 232-254 Grand River Avenue; and,
- Biestone Inc., 180 Dalhousie Street.