The City of Brantford Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) program has been an important component of our strategic plan since 1998. Originally implemented to survey the wants, perceptions, and needs of industrial/manufacturing firms in the area, the BR+E program was expanded in 2007 to include the tourism and hospitality, small business, and downtown sectors. With a focus on “nurturing and supporting” existing local businesses, BR+E works to improve competitiveness, build on development opportunities, and increase the capacity of the community through training and networking.
The City pledges to help build a successful and prosperous community. City Council recognizes that a strong local economy is built upon collaboration, long-term planning, and adaptability. We work closely with existing and prospective companies to continually improve practices, policies, and programs for business development. The work of the Economic Development Advisory Committee is a clear example of these efforts.
John Utley, Councillor, City of Brantford
The BR+E program also generates benefits from a business attraction standpoint. Prospective new companies regard a community's willingness and capacity to grow its existing economic base as a sign of a strong and healthy local economy. Expanding local companies promote a positive, pro-business message to external investment.
Up to 80% of net new jobs and capital investment in any economy are generated by existing firms.
BR+E initiatives
Our BR+E program supports local businesses through a variety of action-oriented initiatives including:
- provide consultative and support services through a business visitation program;
- enhance cooperation between all levels of government and local business;
- create opportunities for direct assistance and a greater awareness of available resources, programs and services available to the community;
- maintain a comprehensive database of companies in the community to be used as a valuable reference tool for sourcing potential clients and suppliers;
- facilitate business feedback to community leaders to develop strategies, set priorities and establish effective economic development programs;
- conduct periodic surveys of local economic sectors to determine wants, perceptions and needs of community firms and organizations;
- serve as a single point of contact for business and organizations for information, resources and analysis;
- conduct free consultations by appointment with professional Small Business Advisors;
- support seminars, workshops and networking opportunities for business and organizations;
- provide referrals to business programs, financial providers, professional services and associates; and,
- coordinate annual Recognition and Award Programs.
Contact our team to learn more and to set up a time to meet!