We are proud of the many and growing companies that call Brantford home.  The success of our economy presents a challenge in tracking the thousands of local businesses.  Here we present in-depth details on industrial companies in Brantford and offer brief listing information for thousands of other Brantford businesses.

Business directory

Our general business directory is an online directory and contains brief contact information for many businesses in Brantford.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the information presented in this directory is fully complete or accurate.

General Business Directory

Industrial directory

Our industrial directory is a 2MB PDF document that contains detailed information on hundreds of industrial companies in Brantford. 

Please note that we cannot guarantee the information presented in this directory is fully complete or accurate.

Cover of the Industrial Directory

Update or add a company listing

To update your company's listing in the Industrial Directory, or to add your company to it, please download the update form (in PDF) and return a completed copy to us.

Business openings and closures for the Brantford CMA

Experimental estimates for business openings and closures for the Brantford CMA

Accommodations for Web Users with Disabilities

Please note that accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. For more information please visit our accessibility page or email us directly.