Continued development and sound planning contribute to the economic vitality of our community. The City of Brantford's Planning Department works closely with businesses, developers, residents, Council, and the Economic Development division to move projects from concept to completion.

The development process encourages open dialogue and collaboration between all parties. Together, we balance the needs of each group within established regulations with the goal of creating developments that benefit investors, residents, businesses, and the entire community.

At the City of Brantford, the Planning Department coordinates development efforts in conjunction with the applicable provincial and municipal policy framework.

From the planning department, you will find more information about the development processes, applications, and fees such as:

  • Committee of Adjustment;
  • Development Applications;
  • Submitting a Planning Application;
  • Official Plan and Zoning By-law;
  • Official Plan Conformity Review; and,
  • Planning Applications and Fees.

Please contact the Planning Department for more information around development processes or for answers to related questions.

Please also note that under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 14 s. 1.0.1, required information and material provided to the City of Brantford regarding planning applications shall be made available to the public.