Brantford's diverse labour force is experienced, skilled, and educated. Our central location allows companies to attract and retain talent from many surrounding communities. Over 1 million Canadian workers live within 50 km (30 miles) of Brantford, with over 6 million workers living within 125 km (80 miles).

We are in the heart of the Greater Golden Horseshoe, one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in North America. This area is recognized for its highly-educated workforce, and its diverse and multicultural population.

The continued expansion and development of our community's four post-secondary institutions also ensures that the future labour pool of Brantford will get stronger as additional graduates enter the local workforce.

 Map: Labour force size by distance

 map of the labour force size by distance from Brantford

*Estimates based on the Statistics Canada October 2024 Labour Market Report. Labour force is defined as individuals 15 to 64 years of age presently working or actively looking for work. Calculation uses Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA) and multiplying by 1.10 to account for surrounding rural centres. The Ontario ratio of CMAs to total population is 1:1.20.

 Available Canadian labour pool by distance
Available Canadian labour pool
Radius Distance Canadian Labour Pool *
Brantford CMA 80,000
50 km (30 miles) 1,124,000
125 km (80 miles) 6,253,000

*Estimates based on the Statistics Canada October 2024 Labour Market Report. Labour force is defined as individuals 15 to 64 years of age presently working or actively looking for work. Calculation uses Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA) and multiplying by 1.10 to account for surrounding rural centres. The Ontario ratio of CMAs to total population is 1:1.20.

Brantford job counts and median wages by National Occupational Classification

Good decisions are informed by good data. The table that follows presents job counts for 2024 and projected in 2028 as well asmedian wages by National Occupational Classification (NOC) for Brantford (city not census metropolitan area). The data can help with workforce planning and comparison. 

This table is extensive and dynamic. It is searchable by keyword to help manage the data.

 Local job counts and wages by NOC

Local labour market reports

Understanding our local labour market involves understanding employment trends along with unemployment rates.

We publish a comprehensive local labour market report available monthly, based on data from Statistics Canada. The report represents employment information for the Brantford labour market including comparative unemployment rates, population statistics, labour force numbers, participation rates, and more. Archived reports are also available.

Local workforce development

Access to skilled labour is critical for any business. Locally, the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie (WPBGE) plays a vital leadership role in labour force development. Made up of volunteer representatives from Labour, Business, Education, and Equity Groups, the Board works collaboratively with community partners to identify key labour force issues and challenges, and to develop effective workforce development strategies.

With a mission to lead the development of local labour market strategies by engaging community partners and maximizing available resources, the WPBGE has championed such initiatives as the annual EmployerOne Workforce Survey, Epics Jobs, Manufacturing Month, and the Education Works Alliance.