The latest Statistics Canada local labour market report customized for the Brantford CMA for last month is now available.
June Unemployment Rate: Brantford 3.9% [-] Ontario 5.1% [-] Canada 4.9% [-]
Be sure to review the participation rate and the employment rate (reported as percentages), as well as the labour force, the employed, and the unemployed values (reported as absolute numbers). These give a better picture of changes in the market.
The report includes annual rates for the last 10 years, comparing Brantford to surrounding CMAs as well as the provincial and national levels.
Overview from Statistics Canada
- Visit the Statistics Canada page for full information.
Employment fell by 43,000 (-0.2%) in June. The unemployment rate fell 0.2 percentage points to a new record low of 4.9%, as fewer people searched for work.
The employment loss was almost entirely due to a decrease among workers aged 55 and older. Across industries, a decline in the services-producing sector, particularly in retail trade, was moderated by gains in the goods-producing sector. At the provincial level, employment decreased in Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec, while there were gains in Prince Edward Island and Manitoba.
Self-employment declined, while the number of employees in both the public and the private sectors held steady.
Total hours worked rose 1.3% in June, the first increase since March 2022.
Average hourly wages rose 5.2% (+$1.54 to $31.24) on a year-over-year basis in June, up from 3.9% in May and 3.3% in April (not seasonally adjusted).
Highlights: Employment falls in June
Employment fell by 43,000 (-0.2%) in June, fully offsetting the increase of 40,000 recorded in May.
The number of self-employed workers fell by 59,000 (-2.2%), while the number of employees held steady in both the public and the private sectors.
Employment was down among workers aged 55 and over (-51,000; -1.2%). It was little changed among youth aged 15 to 24 and the core-age population aged 25 to 54.
Employment decreased in Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec, while there were gains in Prince Edward Island and Manitoba.
Employment in the services-producing sector declined by 76,000 (-0.5%) in June, with losses spread across several industries, including retail trade.
In the goods-producing sector, employment rose by 33,000 (+0.8%) in June, with gains in construction and manufacturing.
Total hours worked increased 1.3% in June.
Average hourly wages rose 5.2% (+$1.54 to $31.24) on a year-over-year basis in June, up from 3.9% in May.
Unemployment rate reaches fourth consecutive record low
The unemployment rate reached a new low of 4.9% in June, and the participation rate fell 0.4 percentage points to 64.9%.
The adjusted unemployment rate—which includes people who were not in the labour force but wanted to work—decreased 0.2 percentage points to 6.8% in June, the second consecutive record low.
Long-term unemployment stood at 185,000 in June.
Local Top Line
- June Unemployment Rate: Brantford 3.9% [-] Ontario 5.1% [-] Canada 4.9% [-]
- The local unemployment rate decreased by 0.7 month over month.
- The local labour force expanded by 400 month over month.
- The number of employed increased by 800 month over month.
- The number of unemployed decreased by 500 month over month.
- When compared to the surrounding CMAs of Hamilton, Niagara, Waterloo, Guelph, and London, Brantford’s unemployment rate is lowest.
Note: Brantford's unemployment reflects a 3 month moving average, whereas Ontario and Canada are monthly figures. The sample CMA breakdown for Brantford area is detailed in text at the Stats Canada website: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p3VD.pl?Function=getVD&TVD=117159&CVD=117161&CPV=543&CST=01012011&CLV=2&MLV=3