Warehousing and Distribution is a critical component of the global supply chain that supports all other industries. It is closely linked to the pace of economic activity in other sectors.

The importance of this industry makes Brantford the ideal location for the logistical operations of many companies. Our strategic central position in Southwestern Ontario along key transportation networks and our proximity to major North American markets give businesses a clear advantage to improve efficiencies and lower costs.

Brantford is home to over 40 warehouse and distribution companies servicing major cities across Canada and the United States. Combined, these growing companies occupy roughly 3.8 million square feet / 354,000 square metres and employ approximately 1,500 workers. This concentration of resources and talent makes Brantford an ideal location for companies looking for a competitive advantage.

warehouse working with scanning device
1500 workers

About 1,500 workers employed in the industry locally, and access to many more.

loaders move about in a large warehouse
3.8M sq. ft

3.8 million square feet / 354,000 square metres of active warehousing space locally, and growing.

a small group of warehouse staff gather around a laptop
40+ companies

Brantford is home to 40+ warehousing and distribution companies.

aerial view of loading docks at a large warehouse
$25.5 billion

Warehousing / transportation represented approx. $25.5 billion in GDP for Ontario in 2017.

We are proud of the many companies in this sector that call Brantford home. Below are some additional sectoral highlights.

 Spotlight: Brimich Logistics

Brimich Logistics logo

Brimich Logistics site and tractor trailer

Brimich Logistics

Total Size: 540,000 square feet / 50,200 square metres
Total Employees: 65
Local Facilities: 6

Brantford provides a strategic location allowing us to conveniently access our customers and markets.

Pat Fergus, Managing Director, Brimich Logistics

 Industry facts and figures
 Local statistics

The Warehousing and Distribution sector in Brantford is a significant contributor to our local economy. Below are some key figures from our 2018 Industrial Survey.

  • Companies: 40 companies (estimated)
  • Total size : 3.8 million square feet or 354,000 square metres (estimated)
  • Employees: 1,500 people (estimated)
 Major local employers
Major local employers


Square Feet

Square Meters

Total Jobs

A-line Greeting Cards 88,000 8,200 50
Brimich Logistics 540,000 50,200 65
Channel Control Merchants 300,000 27,900 40
Crown Lift Trucks 65,610 6,100 120
Goodness Me 60,399 5,600 35
Gunther Mele Ltd. 110,000 10,200 80
InvestorCom Inc. 73,000 6,800 82
Mabe Canada Inc. 300,000 27,900 50
The Marco Corporation 160,000 14,900 267
P&G / DHL 775,000 72,000 410
 Recent local investments
Recent local investments


Investment Size
square feet (square metres)

Investment Jobs

Investment Value ($)

Pacorini Canada Limited 230,000 (21,400) 40 $0.2 Million
Vicano Developments 447,158 (41,500) 251 $12.9 Million

NA: not available/applicable.

TBD: to be determined.

Note: investment values may be land purchases, building expansions, facility renovations, or equipment purchases. Jobs, values, and sizes do not necessarily correlate or represent a fixed ratio.