The City of Brantford released the May 2019 Summary Report on Construction Activity. The report shows a construction value of $13.331 million for permits issued in the month of May.
The construction value attained in the month of May is lower than the values attained in the previous two years, and is below the past five year average for the construction value reached in the month of May. In May 2017, the high construction value of $40.779 million was partly generated through the issuance of seventeen building permits in the Multiple Residential (New) Sector, which had a construction value of $18.817 million. That high construction value contributes to create an inflated five-year average.
The construction value attained in May 2019 is below the construction value attained in May 2018; while the number of permits issued has increased in comparison to last year's figures. In comparison with May 2018 construction values, increases were seen in the Single Detached Dwellings (New), Industrial and Residential (Accessory, Alterations, Additions) Sectors, while a decrease was seen in the Institutional & Government, Multiple Residential and Commercial Sectors of construction.
The largest increase occurred in the Single Detached Dwellings (New) Sector of construction. In May 2019, a total of twenty-nine building permits were issued for new single detached dwellings, with a total construction value of $7.755 million, compared with May 2018, when there were eight building permits issued in this Sector of construction having a total construction value of $2.751 million.
An increase also occurred in the Industrial Sector of construction. In May 2019, a total of four building permits were issued in this Sector, with a construction value of $2.315 million, compared to May 2018, when there were eight building permits issued having a total construction value of $0.603 million. The largest valued permit in this Sector was issued to North West Rubber Mats to construct an addition to the warehouse located at 321 Henry Street, which had a construction value of $2.200 million.
The largest decrease occurred in the Institutional & Government Sector of construction. In May 2019, there were three building permits issued in this Sector of construction having a total' construction value of $0.683 million, compared with May 2018, when there were five building permits issued, having a construction value of $12.565 million. In May 2018, a large value building permit was issued to the City of Brantford for the construction of a new elevated water storage tank located at 346 Shellard Lane, which had a construction value of $8.360 million.
The year-to-date construction value of $65.666 million is above last year's total of $51.530 million. For the year, a total of 462 building permits have been issued, which is an increase from the 367 permits issued in 2018 over the same time period.
The 2019 construction year has continued to build off of the strong numbers attained in 2018. The construction value of permits issued have provided encouraging figures, and staff remains optimistic that the construction industry continues to provide high levels of activity throughout 2019.
- A total of 101 building permits were issued in May, having a total construction value of $13.331 million.
- The largest building permit in terms of construction value was issued to North West Rubber Mats, for the construction of a warehouse addition at 321 Henry Street, which had a construction value of $2.2 million.
- A total of twenty-nine building permits were issued for new single detached dwellings, which had a total construction value of $7.755 million.
- A total of twenty-one building permits were issued for construction within the Commercial Sector, having a total construction value of $1.094 million
The full report will be posted on the City of Brantford's website.