The City of Brantford released the October 2017 Summary Report on Construction Activity. Values attained in the month are below the values attained in October 2016, as well as below the five year average for construction values reached in the month of October. Decreases were seen in the Industrial, Single Detached Dwellings (New) and Multiple Residential (New) sectors. However, increases were seen in the Commercial, Institutional & Government, and Residential (Accessory, Alterations, Additions) sectors.

The report shows a construction value of $3.963 million for permits issued in the month. Permit values attained represent a 35% decrease over the values attained in October 2016, while the number of permits issued increased by 18%.

 The year-to-date construction value of $185.4 million represents a 64% increase over last year's total of $113 million. For the year, a total of 855 building permits have been issued, which is an increase from the 811 permits issued for the same period in 2016.


  • A total of 65 building permits were issued in October, having a total construction value of $3.963 million.
  • The largest permit in terms of construction value was issued to a numbered company, for the construction of a new gymnastics club located at 487 Park Road North, which had a construction value of $1.20 million.
  • A total of three building permits were issued for construction of new single detached dwellings, having a total construction value of$ 0.949 million.
  • For the first ten months of 2017, a total of 855 building permits have been issued, with a total construction value of $185.403 million.

The full report is available on the City of Brantford's website in PDF format.